Dental Plaster

Our dental plasters, which hold fine detail and have high strength, are used in a variety of dental applications. The core characteristics of this product are to provide compressive strengths up to 900 Kg/cm2 and high hardness, together with a very smooth surface and fineness.

Ram Pres Plaster

This plaster is designed to make molds for the pruduction of porcelain tableware by using RAM pressing machines. To enable to ceramic producer to form ceramic instantly and remove it from the mold by high air pressure purging, this plater has great strength and porosity.

Mold Plasters for Ceramic Industry

Sanitaryware and Tableware

This plaster is specially designed to produce working molds, case molds and jiggering molds that are used in the manufacturing of sanitaryware and tableware products.

Roof Tile Mold Plaster

This plaster is formulated for the roof tile industry to produce molds for the production of roof tiles. It has high performance and long working life.

Orthopedic Bandage Plaster

Medical Bandage Plaster

This plaster is specially designed for the production of bandages to make strong and rigid casts over broken bones. It has high porosity in order to increase comfort. This plaster's fast-hardening and consistent nature offers easy use.

Statue and Architectural Ornamentation Plaster

This plaster is formulated to meet and exceed your performance expectation for an interior and exterior architectural abuse-resistant product. It is also perfectly suitable for use in the manufacture of statuary pieces and in decorative plaster works.

Self - leveling Screed

This self-leveling screed, which is mostly composed of Alpha plaster, can be used on various kinds of floors. It self-levels due to a specific combination of plaster, cement and sand.